There’s part of me that can’t wait to bid good riddance to 2023 but another part of me doesn’t want to let it go. Julian was part of 2023. He will never be a part of 2024. Saying goodbye to the final year of his life is harder than I anticipated. This morning I was minding my own business when out of nowhere the magnitude of it hit me and I fell apart. Grief is sneaky that way sometimes I guess.
Last year Julian was hanging with friends on NYE. I’m sure he would be staying out late tonight and finding some trouble to get into. What I wouldn’t give to deal with a little trouble and still be able to kiss him goodnight. You really don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I went through and read the text between the two of us from NYE last year and the day before he died. Most of our texts were about nothing specific, “I’m here, I’ll be out in a minute, can I go to Alex’s house…” We had such a good relationship and we always said I love you even when one of us was upset at the other. Reading them brought back such good memories. I just can’t make any sense of why he chose to take his life. There’s was never a single clue it would go down like it did.
I have two goals for 2024:
1. To read through the Bible again; and
2. To stop complaining so much.
Ten years ago, we were interviewing at a school for the kids to attend. They didn’t end up going to that school, but during the interview process, the principle or whatever he was that was meeting with us said in passing that he reads through the Bible every year. Noy left that meeting wondering if he could actually read through the Bible in a year. He started that night and after realizing it only took on average, about 15 minutes of his time per evening, he determined to make it part of his daily rhythm for the rest his life. He will finish his 10th year tonight. God was preparing Noy years ago for this difficult year. He is not the same person he was ten years ago because of his commitment to this practice. I have not read through the Bible 10 times, I think I’m in the middle of my fourth time, but I can say without a doubt, we learn something new nearly every day. This year, we’ve read it through a completely different lens…the lens of suffering, and everything has taken on new meaning. We don’t understand everything we read, there are still so many verses that often leave us scratching our heads, but the Word truly is our daily bread. God has been faithful to reveal himself every day in the reading of it.
If you’ve never read through the Bible, I’d encourage you to do so this year. Most days, it takes less than 15 minutes. There’s so many great plans out there: Truth for Life, Chad Bird, Joni Erickson are just a few. We use the One Year Bible Plan on the Youversion App on our phones because it’s easy to keep track of. Every day there’s an old testament passage, a new testament passage, a Psalm and a Proverbs reading. Some plans go chronologically. Whichever way you choose, I promise you’ll be challenged, convicted, and blessed.
On complaining: when you’re forced to rely on God’s sovereignty in the big areas of your life, you can’t help but start to see Him in the mundane. If He’s sovereign over it all, what right do I have to complain about it? The children of Israel ended up 40 years in the wilderness because of their complaining and I’m determined to learn from their mistake. So, I’m trying to look at everything as providence…opened doors, closed doors, nice weather, crappy weather, a meeting with Alistair Begg on a layover, a timely phone call, catching the 15th stoplight of the day, being stuck behind another slow Subaru. I have to accept the good with the bad. I’m really good at complaining so this is going to be a tough undertaking but I’m positive it will be worth the effort.
Thank you in advance for your continued prayers as we lead up to the year anniversary. I’m dreading it and ready for it to be behind us at the same time.
What are your resolutions this year? I pray that 2024 is full of growth, joy, and contentment for you and me!
“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
"Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain." Phil. 2:14-16