All God's Promises are Yours!
"I will never leave you." – Hebrews 13:5
No promise of God is given for one alone, but for all His children. When He opens a door of mercy, all may enter in. When He provides water in the wilderness, all who thirst may drink. “Whatever God has said to one saint, He has said to all,” wrote Spurgeon. If He spoke it to Abraham, to Moses, or to David, then He speaks it now to you.
Consider the breadth of this promise: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” The God who is mighty will show Himself strong on your behalf. The God who is love will pour out His loving-kindness upon you. The One who knows no lack will supply all your needs. There is no blessing too high, no mercy too wide.
Spurgeon exhorts us: “Lift up your eyes now to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west, for all this is yours.” Every provision of grace is yours in Christ. Every word of comfort belongs to you. Drink deeply from the well of His promises, for they are as unshakable as He is.
Wherever you walk today—whether in joy or sorrow—let this truth be your anchor: He will never leave you. Not in your weakness. Not in your grief. Not in your doubts. Not in life nor in death. His presence is your portion, now and forever.
Lord, help me to trust Your unfailing promise. When fear and loneliness whisper, remind me that You are near. You have spoken, and You do not change. I rest in You today. Amen.
This devotional is adapted from Charles H. Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening.